My beloved Red Sox have lost six straight... Four to their storied rivals, the New York Yan - 'scuse me, I feel ill...

It's like the Dementors from Azkaban have descended upon The Olde Towne Team - all the joy has been sucked out...
Will we of the Nation ever by happy again?... Maybe...
Lifeless, except for the Victor Martinez home run... Then Bard was trotted out and the fireballer gave his best... Problem is that if the ball can move 99 miles-an-hour out of a human's hand, it will also move that fast off of a bat - and farther... How I long for the prowess of a classic junk baller like Mike Boddicker...
Oh - I will wear my cap here in NYC and when Yankee fans spew their bile and I stand suffering the slings and arrows, I will turn around, shift my cap showing my scarlet letter with pride and say...
Oh, nevermind...
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