I could not believe my eyes.A simple pop up. All one has to do is squeeze the glove closed. And you will have accomplished a routine catch.
But not
Luis Castillo.

Seriously? I mean, seriously?
Poster Drkiv on MLB.com wrote the following:
Luis "Buckner" Castillo.. YOU ****! My 8 year old (I know - way past his bedtime but it was Friday night and he is a HUGE Mets fan) looked at me and said, "Dad, did he really miss that or are they playing a trick on us? I can catch that!" There was NOTHING tricky about that catch. 
Bad enough that
Met fans have endured crushing late-in-the-season collapses the last two years and now this. This was bad. Really bad. And worse, at the hands of the Yankees. And pouring lemon juice into the papercut? The team congratulating Alex Rodriguez on the hit. WTF? He hit a pop-up, slamming his bat into the ground knowing full well that he had just recorded the last out. To be fair, the team also congratulated first baseman Mark Texeira for being a real baseball player. You see, Texeira was at first base when Rodriguez hit that
can of corn and he never once hesitated, running as hard as he could around the bases because you just never know - smart. The Yankees win - officially. But they really lost this game. And they know it. It sickened me to hear Michael Kay, YES play-by-play announcer for the Yanks, gush on Rodriguez becoming "a hero with a pop-up!" What!? It's his ****ing job to hit the ball! Praise should rightfully go to Texeira.
However, I digress...
Castillo. Castillo. First, you don't make the catch. Second, you lazily throw to second! Did you not see your first baseman signal you to throw home even if you were on your knees after that embarrassing stumbling display?
Sickening - all the way around.
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