Thursday, April 18, 2013

It is so very nice... sleep with an open window.

Unlike those who would prefer a constant 'comfortable' climate, I must have all of my seasons. It helps me experience a year in a way that looking at a calendar does not.

Yes, there may be times where the weather can become intolerable but it makes me appreciate the stretches of sheer bliss. Contrast always helps to achieve a healthy perspective - balance. The universe functions as a result of balance and our experiences, personal or collective, reflect that. This past week has sadly been one of an abundance of tragedy, fear and stupidity - a display of things out of balance.

Yesterday, the Senate failed to pass a measure that expanded background checks for gun purchases despite support for said measure by an overwhelming majority of Americans including gunowners themselves. Special interest (or fear of special interest) won the day over compromise, logic and the duty to "establish Justice" and "insure domestic Tranquility." Even if the measure may not have been the best it could be, it would have been one step. It mattered not as those individuals who have been elected opted to side against the will of the people, to side with those who feel the right to acquire firearms of any kind should not be fettered.

Where is the compromise? Where is the balance?

17th century Japanese swordsman Miyamoto Musashi wrote, "Do not collect weapons or practice with weapons beyond what is useful."

"...beyond what is useful."

Is that really asking for too much?

I guess it is...

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