Saturday, December 27, 2008

Review: The Spirit (is not with us...)

After letting my viewing digest for a few days, I can now say I had major problems resolving the clash of the visual style and crappy dialogue of this movie. Having seen other Frank Miller offerings, I guess I don't know what I was expecting but I was unimpressed. While there are moments, there are not enough for me to recommend this film to anyone. I find it interesting that one medium is kneaded into be something it is not:

Dear Frank Miller,

Perhaps you should make your films animated instead of live-action-pretending-to-be-animation. Being forced to process two jarring elements (visuals versus dialog) is far too much to ask of an audience; I witnessed people getting up after the first 10 minutes - that can't be good. While you're at it, make sure the story is solid - no movie is worth watching if the story isn't good.

A guy who really likes movies...

PS: Should I be asking you for a refund?

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