Sunday, April 21, 2013

Selected images

The following images have not been edited... 

Upper West Side

Newark, New Jersey - 6:21 a.m.
From the train (Baltimore to NYC) - via Hipstamatic

From the train (Baltimore to NYC) - via Hipstamatic

Brooklyn Navy Yard
Park Slope

Coney Island - New Year's Day

The Supervisor

Reader - 6 Train

Sleeper - 6 Train

Civic Center

Coat - 5 Train

57th St.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

It is so very nice... sleep with an open window.

Unlike those who would prefer a constant 'comfortable' climate, I must have all of my seasons. It helps me experience a year in a way that looking at a calendar does not.

Yes, there may be times where the weather can become intolerable but it makes me appreciate the stretches of sheer bliss. Contrast always helps to achieve a healthy perspective - balance. The universe functions as a result of balance and our experiences, personal or collective, reflect that. This past week has sadly been one of an abundance of tragedy, fear and stupidity - a display of things out of balance.

Yesterday, the Senate failed to pass a measure that expanded background checks for gun purchases despite support for said measure by an overwhelming majority of Americans including gunowners themselves. Special interest (or fear of special interest) won the day over compromise, logic and the duty to "establish Justice" and "insure domestic Tranquility." Even if the measure may not have been the best it could be, it would have been one step. It mattered not as those individuals who have been elected opted to side against the will of the people, to side with those who feel the right to acquire firearms of any kind should not be fettered.

Where is the compromise? Where is the balance?

17th century Japanese swordsman Miyamoto Musashi wrote, "Do not collect weapons or practice with weapons beyond what is useful."

"...beyond what is useful."

Is that really asking for too much?

I guess it is...

Monday, April 1, 2013

Opening Day 2013

The 2013 Major League baseball season began last night as the Houston Astros hosted the Texas Rangers. The Astros defeated the Rangers by a score of 8-2 thanks in part to Rick Ankiel's three-run homer in sixth inning.

Now you're probably asking yourself, "Wasn't this an exhibition game? I mean, for it to be part of the regular season, isn't this too early for an Inter-League game? I don't understand. Have the schedule makers lost their minds? Again?!" The answer is no as the Houston Astros are now part of the American League West. There is indeed no more a constant thing than change.

The rest of the openers will take place today and tomorrow. And of special note, New York City will be host to two openers on the same day since April 17, 1956. On that day, the New York Giants beat the Pittsbugh Pirates 4-3 at the Polo Grounds while the Brooklyn Dodgers lost to the Philadelphia Phillies 8-6 at Ebbetts Field - the Yankees host my beloved Red Sox (I don't expect much this year but I'll be here for them) while the Mets host the San Diego Padres.

Both parks are gone now and in their place, apartment buildings. And the teams have called California home since 1958. And for you, a then-and-now comparison as offered by the New York Daily News:

Number of baseball teams in New York:
1956: 3
2013: 2

Hot dog:
1956: 5 cents
2013: $6.25

Most expensive seat:
1956: $3 (Ebbets Field)
2013: $300 (Yankee Stadium)

Highest paid player:
1956: Duke Snyder, $44,000 (Brooklyn Dodgers)
2013: Alex Rodriguez, $29 million (New York Yankees)

National League leader in innings pitched:
1956: Bob Friend, 314.3
2012: R.A. Dickey, 233.7 

Play ball!